St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Hondo, TX
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Administrative Staff
Fr. John Cyriac MSFS
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Lajarus Soreng MSFS
Sam Heinz
Mark Urby
Bookkeeper Annabel Deibler
Secretary/Office Manager Patti Graff
Tony Ortiz
Part-time Custodian
Eufrasio Castillo
Parish Pastoral Council
Rhonda Camacho
Genevieve Flores
Keith Howard
Dave Hubalik, Sr.
Rose Mary Mares
Michele Mechler
Jonathan Velasquez
Quarterly Meetings in 2024:
Jan.18, Apr.18, July 18, Oct.17
6:00 pm at the Religious Education Building Room 105/106.
Phone - 830-741-2284
DRE, Sylvia Fernandez
Office Clerk, Kristopher Cardenas
Coordinator of Initiation - RCIA
Mary Jo Peters
Parish Ministries
Altar Society: Ellen Schueling
Guadalupana Society: Rosa Garcia
St. John's Hist. Assn: Renae McNiel
St. Vincent de Paul: Linda Fillinger
Church Environment: Linda Fohn, Michele Mechler
Outdoor Environment: Garland Bader,
Linda Ulbrich, Linda Fohn, Randy Graff
ACTS Core: Lorraine Lopez
Bereavement: Rose Scholtz
Youth Director: Christine Ortega
Knights of Columbus: Tony Ortiz
Ministry for Homebound and Nursing Home: Diane Mann, Karen Moos
(Spanish) Lydia Villarreal ,
Norma Gutierrez, and Diane Ybarra
Finance Council
Connie Shullanberger
Diane Cheney
Robert Knight
Stephen Long
Rey Bernal
Meetings quarterly in 2024
March21, June 20, Sept. 19, Dec. 19
5:00pm at the Religious Education Building
Room 105/106
Parish Information
Parish Office Hours
Mon. - Fri. 9am - 4pm
2102 Avenue J
Hondo, TX 78861
Phone - 830-741-2236
Fax - 830-426-3339