St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Hondo, TX
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Welcome to St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church
Hondo, Texas

Our Mission Statement
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church is a united community empowered by the Holy Spirit by modeling ourselves on Christ in sharing our heritage, preparing for our future and promoting Christian values through service to God and neighbor.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Hondo, serving under the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas, welcomes you to the parish website. The Church community was established in 1912. We as a united community empowered by the Holy Spirit by modeling ourselves on Christ, are committed to sharing our faith, spirituality, gifts and talents. We strive to make this parish community one parish family by living our faith and serving God and one another.
Therefore, we offer many opportunities for spiritual enrichment and service. Our Faith Formation programs, RCIA, ACTS, Youth, Bible Study etc. are all an opportunity to discover the beauty, truth, and wisdom of Scripture. We invite you to look at our many ministries/Committees to learn about them by attending events or meetings and consider participating in one or more activities. We are called to the heart of the gospel, ‘proclaiming Christ’s death and resurrection through love and service’. As followers of Christ, we are reminded in our journey of faith to support our parish family to learn, nurture and share the gift of faith in Jesus Christ our Savior.
I, John Cyriac MSFS, the pastor, challenge you to help one person in a year to experience God in their life. If you could help someone to come back to the church and experience the mystery of the Holy Eucharist, that will be a fulfilling and rewarding participation in the ministry of the Church. Let us nourish our faith and life and encourage those around us to join liturgical celebrations to praise and worship our God.
We as a parish family, especially me as a pastor, remain grateful to all our parishioners who have been generous in their giving and participation in the ministry of the church. Your sacrifice and commitment have sustained the work of the church. May I encourage you to continue to support the church.
I wish and pray that you find love, care, warmth and above all spiritual growth being part of St. John's family. May the Lord bless you and your family.
Fr. John Cyriac MSFS
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